Forced Conjugate Deviation

Here an auto’s driver seat and passenger seat have been placed in facing each other. A metal sculpture is in between the seats. Numerous rear view mirrors are attached to it. The placement of this installation should be in a public place or a public lobby space, which people generally use for sitting/waiting. Mirrors are composed in the sculpture in such a way that people who are present anywhere in the space can interact with each other via the mirrors.

This concept came to me when I first travelled to Delhi. I had come here with pre-conditioned fear that it was insecure and prejudiced to women. In 2014 I had come to Delhi for along with my mother to attend the college interview. We had to take an auto rickshaw to the college. I remember that rickshaw had many mirrors in front of the driver. He was constantly staring at me through them, my effort to go out of his vision was not possible because of all those mirrors. But my mother sitting next to me had no clue what was going on. Also I couldn’t share with her what was happening. This installation is to direct that experience of what it feels when sitting in such an auto rickshaw. The driver seat has been brought in front of the passenger seat. The only thing that is different other people standing or sitting around will also be implicated along with the people sitting on the driver seat and passenger seat in this intrusive voyeuristic act.

Project Details

  • Forced Conjugate Deviation

  • 2016

  • Site - specific installation

  • ( metal bars, Rear view mirrors and auto seats )

  • 12 ’ X 16’ X 7.5’(LxBxH )