• Mokita-01

5 Mokita- Dalit Panthers Archive project

Smita curated a participatory exhibition named Mokita through which she created an opportunity for the students to participate, think and express their views. It consists of an original archive of Dalit Panther, Zine, manifesto, textbook, photos, videos, Takeaway poems printed on postcards, a post box and an open mic platform.


“Mokita”, Dalit panthers archive, participatory show for school children,  2019. Installation view;

Photograph:Smita Urmila Rajmane 

This Dalit Panthers Archive Installation showcased the impact of literature, art and poetry in political and social spheres. The open mic was also arranged in the venue for students so that it provided students with an opportunity to perform resistance poetry. Students and other members of the school were asked to express their thoughts through resistance poetry and topics could include casteism, toxic masculinity, gender discrimination or any other topic that was derived from them. They read poems by Dalit panthers, Adiwasi struggle songs, a few poems and thoughts which they themselves wrote about caste and gender inequality.


“Mokita”, Dalit panthers archive, participatory show for school children,  2019. Open mic;

Photograph:Smita Urmila Rajmane 

Mokita means “Everyone knows but no one talks about”. This show consisted of rare archive material of Dalit Panther Archive. Through this show, it was an opportunity for students to understand the history of Dalit panthers closely. The movement which they studied in their academic books, was now being witnessed in physical space, live.

Video screenings of contributions to “Education for All” by Mahatma Phule, Savitri bai Phule and Dr. Ambedkar were placed in the show to emphasize the point that their contributions towards the cause were not only meant for the marginalized (contrary to the popular belief) but was meant for everyone. Videos of the history of the Dalit Panthers movement were also a part of the screenings.


“Mokita”, Dalit panthers archive, participatory show for school children,  2019. Poems printed on the postcards;
Photograph: Smita Urmila Rajmane 


“Mokita”, Dalit panthers archive, participatory show for school children,  2019. Students are writing messages on the letter of poem and sending to their friends;

Photograph:Smita Urmila Rajmane 

In the second section of the show, postcards were placed on the table. On those postcards, Dalit panthers’ poems were printed at the back. Students were given the instructions to select and send this letter of poem/ text to their future self, friends, mentors, teachers, relatives, etc. They could write a message on the backside of the postcard and put it inside the postbox. After putting it in the post box the letters were sent to the post office. On these postcards, poems were printed by poets such as Namdev Dhasal, J.V. Pawar, Arun Kamble and Savitribai Phule. Students had read about these poets and the movement in their political science chapter. But this was an opportunity for students to learn the mediums they have chosen to make a difference in society.

Project Details