Anticaste stories in Bioscope (Working title)

  • Anticaste-stories-in-Bioscope-01

Anticaste stories in Bioscope (Working title)

जाति नहीं जाती

This public art project which aims to bring caste and gender conversations for children.

As an educator, I am developing various tools and methods through class-room teaching to be able to address the discriminatory behavior. Education is a crucial area where a seed of empathy can be sown. Students’ minds are immaculate and there can be a great future of this system if given an opportunity to think critically. Traditional shadow puppeteer from Andhra Pradesh Sindhe Sriramulu is making the puppets for this project. Currently, few theatre artists are working on the voice over and animator is helping to develop the animation films of the puppets. This a self-funded project and looking for grants.

The first film will be on Dr. Ambedkar’s ‘Waiting for Visa’s first story.  In this autobiography Babasaheb has written about his childhood encounter with the untouchability.

Project Details